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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Blount County TN Region 1159 AYSO Soccer

Becoming a Referee

Becoming a AYSO Region 1159 Referee

Welcome to the AYSO referee certification page.  All of the information needed to become an AYSO certified referee can be found below, along with important links to sites that will help you along your way.  Whether you’re a new volunteer wanting to learn more about the game of Soccer, or a seasoned veteran answering our call for help, we are glad and lucky to have you.  As you may already know, our National AYSO entity takes pride in keeping our children safe, and providing a fun and fair environment in which they can play Soccer.  As an AYSO referee, you will have a first hand opportunity to influence all three of the above mentioned ideas (safe, fun and fair).  As you begin the process outlined below, please don’t feel overwhelmed.  Steps 1-3 can be completed in a couple of hours and step 4 is the fun half day training course that flies by.  Don’t forget, feel free to reach out to any board member with any questions you may have, we are here to help.  Thank you!

Step 1
 – Submit Volunteer Application

This form initiates the AYSO background check and must be updated yearly. All volunteers in AYSO are required to complete this application. Click the following link to begin your volunteer application form: If you have an account, log in. If you are new to AYSO click Register Now and follow the steps. AYSO Region 1159 will pay for your required Sterling background check.  If a child wants to volunteer you can register them under your account, or they can create their own. Youth volunteers are not background checked.
*Please save your Sports Connect username and password.

Step 2
 – Safe Haven Training (1 Hour):

AYSO’s Safe Haven® program is designed to address the growing need for Child and Volunteer Protection in youth sports. The components of the program help create a safe, fun, fair and positive environment – “safe haven” – for all participants. This training is available to complete online*: Log in with your Sports Connect usernamen and password under the AYSOU tab, or directely at

 Questions? Contact our Referee Administrator at (865) 724-3355.

Step 3
 – AYSO CDC Concussion Awareness Training (45 minutes) and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Training

These are required once for all referees and yearly for coaches.  This training helps us identify possible concussion scenarios and how to react to those possibilities, and same for sudden cardiac arrest. This training is available to complete online*:

Step 4
 – Regional Referee Online Certification Course (3 Hours):

AYSO’s Regional Referee Course® program is designed to teach you about the skills needed to referee a basic younger children's soccer match. It is designed so that you can come back to it and complete it at your pace. Once you have completed this course you will be ready for the classroom / outdoor version of the course. This training is available to complete online*:

Questions? Contact our Referee Administrator at (865) 724 3355.

Step 5
 – Regional Referee Certification Course (Various Dates/Times)

This is the training course that will complete your the basics of being a regional referee.  Typically this is a 3 hour class that includes classroom and fieldwork.  Upon successful completion of this course, you will be presented with your Regional Referee badge and appropriate referee gear.  

*Please contact our Referee Administrator,  Jeff Ward at [email protected] or (865) 724 3355.

AYSO CDC Concussion Action Plan (download) –> Click Here

CBS Report on Goal Safety –> Click Here

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Blount County AYSO Region 1159

PO Box 1073 
Alcoa, Tennessee 37701

Email Us: [email protected]
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